Augsburg Zoo and Botanical Garden Oct 2023

Photo of a Brazilian plume flower, flamingo flower
Close up photo of a rather bored fennec fox ripping off the bark of a large tree.
Close up of a fennec fox climbing along a large tree log section. There is a lot of fur stuck on the edges of the log and bark.
Really fluffy looking fennec fox scratching her cheek with a paw.
A fennec fox standing on a large tree log. Background is mostly out of focus.
A fennec fox standing on a tree log section sniffing something on it.
Fennec fox taking apart the bark or a large tree log.
A fennec fox standing on a large tree log and looking directly at the camera.
A fennec fox from the side. She's standing on a large tree log.
A large purple blooming flower.
Close up of a toad lily bloom. It's white whith dark pink dots.
A water lily with a yellow center that fades over orange to pink on the edges of the petals.

October 7, 2023